PRAVRITTI Stocks: Charts + Analysis: 19th Sept ’23

Have created a new Indicator: “Relative Momentum Slow / Normal /Fast”. Will be analysing the PRAVRITTI strategy stocks using this indicator. Hopefully, this will give a new insight. PRAVRITTI is more of a short term Swing Trading strategy, where I would be realising profits when the opportunity arises.

ADVENZYMES: zoomed out: Good runway visible. Though my entry point was not idle, sticking along as the Risk/Reward is good. P/E is still in expansion phase, which I like.
ADVENZYMES: Zoomed In: Sitting at support. Good Pullback. Will monitor closely, only exit if there is further degradation in Relative Momentum.

HATHWAY: Zoomed out: Great expansion in P/E. Initial signs of Outperformance. This is a ‘Horse that can run a Long Race’!
HATHWAY: Zoomed in: First signs of Volume expansion.

HEMIPROP: Negative PE, but I’m sensing a turnaround looking at the Relative Momentum.

ICRA: Late Entry, but appears like a good R/R. Will monitor if it slips into Stage 3.

IFCI: Zoomed out: Highest PE of the decade. Something definitely is cooking here. Relative Momentum is going nuts!
IFCI: Zoomed in: Detected Relative Momentum early. Sitting on decent profits > 33%. This is a long term bet which I might shift to VRIDDHI strategy in future.

PAYTM: Bought it sensing a turnaround story. Not feeling the same now (after looking at the RM Fast Indicator)

PRESTIGE: Bought it looking at multiple supports. Should bounce from here. Waiting & Watching mode.

TATASTLLP: Cyclical sector. Entry has been good. Have to watch the Sector Momentum for continuation of trend.

TV18BRDCST: Generally don’t trade this Media sector, but made an exception looking at the exceptional structure of Relative Momentum

VESUVIUS: Not a great entry, but long term structure looking good. Will monitor closely.

Please Note: I never keep Stop Losses in my trades. I treat the diversification as a kind of Stop Loss. Since I only trade Relatively Strong Stocks, I always have a sense of security knowing that my Strategy will Outperform during the downward phase of the Market too.

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